
unfair employers

Callforce recruitment #payslips

Employer bullies

CallForce Cheats During Recruitment

Pay Slip Price Fixer or Poacher?

Pay slips contain confidential employer compensation and benefits information. 

Many employers claim they don’t publish pay information in job adverts as they don’t want rival firms to see what they pay. Yet firms relying on own job advert pay secrecy appear to be dependant on rival employer pay, in order to poach or price-fix?

CallForce Fairness Farce

Employers are not upfront about pay with job applicants but openly spy on each others pay.

We value open and transparent communication


Lol…If this is true Callforce, why not publish your recruitment policy so we can see if you protect applicants from being unfairly treated during the process?

Information asymmetry is when an employer fails to make information about pay accessible to applicants while forcing candidates to detail their pay history and current expectations.

This is unfair and unconstitutional : Everybody entitled to fair labour practice.

Monkey Mail

It’s hard to understand why one human being would want to limit another person’s life by unfairly restricting their income opportunity. that’s why we call this Monkey Business! These monkeys think workers work for peanuts. 🙁

Work is the only way most of us earn money in our life time. Recruiters who require pay slips are violating human rights and Competition Law.

Below is an extract from their recruiter email

Thank you so much for taking my call!  As per our telecom, our Skype interview will take place at –:00 tomorrow (–th —ber)  (Details removed to protect the candidate)

In the interim could you also please complete the attached forms and send me copies of your Id, drivers license, qualification certificates and last payslip. I look forward to chatting with you some more tomorrow.

Tel: 011 519 9968 Fax to Email: 086 572 8860 Head Office: Tel. 011 519 9900 | Fax: 011 234 9855Block B, 2nd floor, 11 Naivasha Road, Sunninghill, Johannesburg 2191 

Let’s expose lawbreakers! Forward you recruiter emails to us today!


leonie hall

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