
recruitment infographic

The Competition Commission of South Africa has to answer for the harm they cause to labour markets.

Hear denialism, ask the Competition Commission

Search their market research to count the number of times they refer to labour, job seekers, workers, gender inequality and labour market access. You’ll be hard-pressed to ever find these terms used or unpacked in their sectoral analysis even though labour markets contribute most to overall income inequality. Lack of competition drives human rights violations against workers.

Ask the Commissioners

We posed questions to the Competition Commission on LinkedIn. As usual and conforming to their patterns of incompetence, they are unable to respond.

Fair labour practice & policy ethics

Firms must compete for talent in labour markets or human rights are violated.

When recruiting, firms are often cagey about the salary range on offer in order to find the most talented person for the least amount of money. If a recruiter wants to impress an employer, they use pay secrecy to try to secure the best for the least amount of pay.

Dear Competition Commission South Africa, the public has questions for you:

  1. Why does CompComSA advertise vacancies without a salary range when you know it creates an information asymmetry bias?
  2. Why use recruitment to spy on rival employers competing in the same talent pool?
  3. How do you stimulate labour market competition?
  4. Are you hostile towards wealth creation for workers?
  5. Do you encourage collusion among employers to price-fix wages?
  6. Why does the Commission demand cost to company during recruitment?



leonie hall

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