Gender Offender and Racism
With a legacy of enslaving Africans and stripping them of their humanity, then their rights, French firm Sanofi use a lack of regulations to exploit workers in foreign countries.
The French masters firmly ensconced in faraway towers, hire modern slave traders, and slickly coiffed recruitment firms, to hunt and trap desperate talent.
Information Asymmetry
Sanofi adopts pay secrecy in job adverts, this disadvantages applicants as they must apply for vacancies without knowing how much the employer is willing to pay.
Our dossier on Kelly Recruitment, Sanofi’s hiring agency, reflects a firm that, quite literally, like the French doesn’t care!
Kelly‘s business conduct is based on exploitation dogma rivalling even apartheid economics.
Sanofi Pay
Sanofi uses pay secrecy during recruitment forcing job seekers to spend more time trying to establish what pay they can negotiate for. Finding information about pay is becoming increasingly difficult – this hostile move to suppress information by shareholders, owners and employers create Monopsony power.
Employers ideally want to pay workers as little as possible, this increases profits and the ability to compete in consumer markets.
We all know that when you apply for a job, at some point in the process you will be required to negotiate pay.
Sanofi uses anti-competition Kelly Recruitment to manage this process. Kelly is known to spy on rival employers competing in the same pool of talent. They prejudice job applicants, particularly women and black people, and perpetuate an unequal status quo.
Gender Parity
Sanofi is correctly concerned about public perceptions and is desperate to persuade us and current employees that they are fair even when they adopt unfair practices that specifically marginalize worker rights.
We asked Sandra Sivestri on Linkedin and Twitter to clarify what she means by pay parity given Sonafi’s gender insensitivity and reluctance to discuss their lack of information transparency and information equality.
While Sandra investigated us on LinkedIn, read the comment and perused PaySlipBanSA’s founder, Leonie Hall’s profile- she did not respond to any questions regarding the truth of her statements published on social media.
Perhaps, like equality, Sandra is a figment of the Sanofi imagination.
What is an Equal Opportunity Employer Sanofi?
Sanofi recruitment starts iniquitously, always with an advert that is not upfront abut pay.
Unfair adverts violate s23.1 of the Constitution which enshrines fair labour practice.
Sanofi refuses to quantify how an unfair advert is indicative of an equal-opportunity employer.
PaySlipBanSA has lodged a complaint with the Advertising Regulatory Board and we look forward to hearing back from them soon.