
Job applicants bring unfair employers to our attention.

Peermont Global advertises vacancies without being upfront about pay. They use recruitment to scope wages, forcing applicants to disclose confidential and competitive pay information.

Knowing about job seeker pay information gives Peermont an advantage over applicants. With applicants stating how much they are willing to work for, Peermont can make unfair and unequal wage offers. Their wages should be based on policy, don’t they have any?

Peermont Global job application form
Peermont’s online application form

Information Asymmetry

Peermont Global is an example of how easily firms obstruct S23.1 Constitution ‘everybody is entitled to fair labour practice.’ When one party to a negotiation has more information than the other and gets to make the rules about negotiation, it is unfair.

Life’s a gamble when you apply to the Peermont Global group which currently advertises a number of vacancies. High turnover?!

We urge the public to be savvy to Peermont’s discriminatory practices.

1. Peermont job adverts don’t include payment information, the less job seekers know about how much they offer, the more disadvantaged they are when negotiating pay. 

Lawyers and economists term this advantage ‘information asymmetry.’

2. Upon clicking through to PG’s application forms, job seekers must disclose their current salary and further salary expectations. Disclosing what other employers pay is anti-competition and job applicant expectations are irrelevant to what Peermont is willing to offer.

What are they willing to offer, unequal pay?

Peermont’s two steps to unfair information advantages are unlawful.
Peermont’s leadership conduct is an indicator of absent business ethics within the Global brand.

Linkedin comment to Peermont Global
Published on Peermont’s LinkedIn page

Read more messages to Peermont on Linkedin

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leonie hall

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