

#PaySlipBanSA believes recruitment and wage negotiation processes must be FAIR.

We’re volunteers who have sacrificed own job seeking opportunities in order to drive labour market efficiency and compel government and legal agencies to act in the interests of the public. We work real hard at exposing injustice, investigating complaints, taking action against unfair employers and recruiters and informing the public about their rights.

As a Civil Movement, we need your support to lobby

for recruitment protections to prevent unfair advantages over powerless job seekers and ethical employers in the labour market. Employers must compete for talent, not employ only those willing to have their wages unlawfully price-fixed.

Inequality doesn’t happen by accident, specific conduct results in labour market discrimination.

Your contributions will make a difference in creating awareness about conduct limiting job seekers economic freedom and a fair competition for talent among employers.

Please click here to sponsor us! Together we can make fair really fair. 

Making Constitutional fairness really fair by being fair.


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